
Showing posts from September, 2019

Methods of R.C.C. Design

Various method used for the design of R.C.C. structure are as follows: Working stress method Limit state method Ultimate load or load factor method 1.working stress method:- This method of design was the oldest one. It is based on the elastic theory and assumes that both steel and concrete are elastic and obey Hook's law. It means that the stress is directly proportional to strain up to the point of collapse. Based on the elastic theory, and assuming that the bond between steel and concrete is perfect, permissible stresses of the materials are obtained.           In this method, the ultimate stresses of concrete and yield strength or 0.2% proof stress of steel are divided by factor to obtain permissible stresses. 2.Limit state Method:- This us the most rational method which takes into account the ultimate strength of the structure and also the serviceability requirements. The acceptable limit of the safety and serviceability requirements before failure occurs is...

Types of steel reinforcement.

Mild steel plain bar. High yield strength deformed bars(HYSD bar). TMT (Thermomechanically Treated) steel bars. CTS (Corrosion resistant steel) Bars. Steel wire fabric. Structural steel. Mild steel plain bar:- Mild steel bars are also known as fe250 because their steel has a yield strength of 250N / mm ^ 2. Hence mild steel bars are very ductile and are not preferred over over-yield strength default bars as their strength is low and weak bonds. Modules of elasticity of mild steel are 2 × 10 ^ 5N / mm ^ 2. Mild steel plane bars are displayed with 'Ф'. Shown in fig. 1 Fig.1 High yield strength deformed bar.:-  They are also known as HYSD bars. They have higher percentage of carbon in mild steel comperision and have higher strength than mild steel, but the yield They are also known as hysd bars. They have higher percentage of carbon in mild steel comperision and have higher strength than mild steel, but the yield point is not clearly defined.  point is not clearly defined. These ...

Engineering Drawing?

What do you mean by Engineering drawing? Drawing, the main points present on the ground on the drawing sheet is called engineering drawing. It is a graphical language. In this, the main points present on the land are outlined. Then building is done using them. Which is an important task. In this, any large structure can be represented in a small figure. In this, each point is made keeping in mind. Having a fault affects the entire structure. Therefore, drawing of any structure should be done by an engineering expert anytime.

What is Lightweight Concrete?

Lightweight concrete mixture is made with a lightweight coarse aggregate and sometimes a portion or entire fine aggregates may be lightweight instead of normal aggregates. Structural lightweight concrete has an in-place density (unit weight) on the order of 90 to 115 lb / ft³ (1440 to 1840 kg/m³). Normal weight concrete a density in the range of 140 to 150 lb/ft³ (2240 to 2400 kg/m³). For structural applications the concrete strength should be greater than 2500 psi (17.0 MPa). Lightweight aggregates used in structural lightweight concrete are typically expanded shale, clay or slate materials that have been fired in a rotary kiln to develop a porous structure. Other products such as air-cooled blast furnace slag are also used. There are other classes of non-structural LWC with lower density made with other aggregate materials and higher air voids in the cement paste matrix, such as in cellular concrete. Classification of Lightweight Concrete It is convenient to classify the various...

Concrete Grades & Ratio

*Choosing the right concrete grade for the construction job:- So what can these grades be used for and which is best for the job at hand? Below is a list of a few of the initial concrete grades and what they are best used for.  C10 Used for: Patio slabs, pathways and non-structural work Type: Domestic & commercial use C15 Used for: Pavement kerbs and floor blinding Type: Domestic & Commercial C20 Used for: Domestic floors and foundations (where the weight of structure will be lighter). Also good for workshop bases, garages, driveways and internal floor slabs. Type: Domestic C25 Used for: Construction in all areas. Multi-purpose concrete mix, usually used for foundations. Type: Domestic & Commercial C30 Used for: Pathways and roadways (this is the lowest grade concrete mix that can be used for this purpose). More durable than the grades that have come before, and thus is much more weather-resistant and can take heavy road traffic. Type: Commercial C35 Us Choosing the rig...

Types of R.C.C. Beam

R.C.C. beam are of following three types:- Singly Reinforced Beam Doubly Reinforced Beam Flanged Beam (T beam and L beam) 1. Singly reinforced beam: -  the beam is which steel reinforcement is placed in the tensile zone only are called as singly reinforced beam. (In fig. 1) Fig. 1 2. Doubly Reinforced Beam:- the beam in which reinforcement is placed in the tensile as well as compression zone are called "Doubly Reinforced Beam".(In fig.2) Fig.2 3. Flanged Beam:- in most reinforced concrete structures the slab,and beams are cast monolithic. Thus, the beam forms a part of the floor system.(In fig.3) More click here .

Advantages and Disadvantages of R.C.C.

Advantages:- Strength Durability Permeability Mouldability Ductility Economy Transportation Fire Resistance Seismic Resistance Disadvantages:- R.C.C. structure are heavier then structure of other materials like wood glass and steel etc. R.C.C. needs lot of formwork, centering and shuttering to be fixed, thus require lot of site space and skilled labour. Concrete takes time to attain its full strength. Thus, R.C.C. structures can't be used immediately after construction unlike steel structures.  More click here

Reinforced Cement Concrete( प्रबलित कंक्रीट) (R.C.C.)

प्रबलित कंक्रीट क्या है? प्रबलित कंक्रीट, या आरसीसी, कंक्रीट है जिसमें एम्बेडेड स्टील बार, प्लेट्स या फाइबर होते हैं जो सामग्री को मजबूत करते हैं। इन सामग्रियों द्वारा भार उठाने की क्षमता बढ़ाई गई है, और इस वजह से सभी निर्माण में आरसीसी का बड़े पैमाने पर उपयोग किया जाता है। वास्तव में, यह सबसे अधिक उपयोग की जाने वाली निर्माण सामग्री बन गई है। "प्रबलित सीमेंट कंक्रीट एक मिश्रित सामग्री है जो कंक्रीट और स्टील सुदृढीकरण से बना है।"

Plain Cement Concrete (P.C.C.)

सादा सीमेंट कंक्रीट एक कठोर द्रव्यमान है जो निश्चित अनुपात में सीमेंट, रेत, बजरी और पानी के मिश्रण से प्राप्त होता है। इन सामग्रियों को एक साथ मिलाकर एक प्लास्टिक द्रव्यमान बनाया जाता है जिसे वांछित आकार के सांचों में डाला जाता है जिसे रूप कहा जाता है। यह प्लास्टिक द्रव्यमान सेटिंग पर कठोर होता है और हमें सादा सीमेंट कंक्रीट मिलता है। इस मिश्रण का सख्त होना सीमेंट और पानी के बीच रासायनिक प्रतिक्रिया के कारण होता है।